Posts Tagged ‘Dependency Incention’
Oktober-Treffen am 17.10.2012: Cut your Dependencies with Dependency Injection
Posted by M_Klei | Filed under Allgemein, Vorträge
Im Oktober bekommen wir Besuch von Theo einem Osnabrücker, den es ins sonnige Californien verschlagen hat. Sein Thema „Dependency Injection“ (Vortragssprache: Deutsch, Folien Englisch)
Wir treffen uns wieder im Wissenschaftspark bei der
meta-objects.NET IT Solutions GmbH
Sedanstraße 61
49078 Osnabrück
Mittwoch, den 17.10.2012
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
We will dive into the basics of Inversion of Control (IOC)
and Dependency Injection (DI) to review different ways of achieving decoupling,
using and exploring both: Best Practices, Design and Anti Patterns. This
presentation requires knowledge and understanding of basics like DRY, SoC, SRP,
SOLID etc. which are building the base for decoupled architecture. However, we
will start at the basics of DI and will work towards intermediate and advanced
scenarios depending on the participating group.
About the speaker:
Theo Jungeblut have been designing and implementing .NET
based applications, components and frameworks for more than 9 years, and he is
currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at AppDynamics, one of the
leading application performance management solutions for distributed
application for web and cloud.
Previously, he worked in health care and factory automation
with focus on component based software and framework development for more than
7 years.
Besides minor excursions in Java, VFP and embedded C++, I
have been working almost exclusively with C# for more than 9 years.
Theo is specially interested in software architecture,
framework and platform design, and writing Clean Code applying craftsmanship.